0.8 Franc 1971 - Ship - Cape Hornier Maloin "The Antoinette"

0.8 Franc 1971 -  Ship - Cape Hornier Maloin "The Antoinette"
Added by Vlad Lutic
Face value 0.80 French franc
Catalog code (Michel) FR 1745
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier - FR 1674; Stamp Number FR 1301; Stanley Gibbons FR 1920; AFA number FR 1781; Unificato FR 1674
Stamp colour Multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 7297000
Issue date 13/04/1971
Designer Claude Robert Ernest Durrens (E) / Roger Chapelet
Print technique Recess
Perforation comb 13
Height 31.00 mm
Width 52.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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