50 Centimes 1936 - Paris World Exposition

50 Centimes 1936 - Paris World Exposition
Added by Maciej Pasztor
General Description : After eight years of turbulent preparation, the last world exhibition to take place in Paris opened on May 25th 1937, under the shadow of the growing power of European dictatorships, whose pompous architecture was on display there. In particular, the confrontation of the pavilion of Nazi Germany with that of the Soviet Union – both characterised by a stiff monumentalism – were in direct opposition to the aim of the exhibition, which was to encourage peaceful co-existence and co-operation among nations. Other buildings, such as the Pavilion of Flight with its dynamic planes and the emphatically down-to-earth Spanish pavilion, in which Picasso’s protest painting “Guernica” hung, presented a modern concept of architecture which contrasted sharply with the gesticulating of the two dictatorships.
Face value 50 Centimes
Catalog code (Michel) FR 331a
Catalog code (Scott) FR 318
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier FR 325; Stanley Gibbons FR 558; AFA number FR; 319 Unificato FR 325
Series Publicity for the 1937 Paris Exposition
Stamp colour orange red
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Issue date 15/09/1936
Designer Démétrius Galanis
Print technique Typography
Perforation 14 x 13½
Height 24.00 mm
Width 20.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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