5 rentenpfennig 1924 - New imperial eagle

5 rentenpfennig 1924 - New imperial eagle
Added by Radu Florin
Face value 5 Rpf - rentenpfennig german
Catalog code (Michel) DR 356X
Catalog code (Scott) DE 331
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier DR 349, Stanley Gibbons DR 370, Numar AFA DR 356, Unificato DR 349
Series Definitives: New Imperial Eagle
Place in series 8
Stamp colour Verde mediu
Watermark Vafe [în picioare]
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Designer Sigmund Franz Xaver Wilhelm Otto von Weech
Print technique Tipografie
Printed by Reichsdruckerei, Berlin
Perforation pieptene14 x 14¼
Height 26.00 mm
Width 21.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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