12 pence - The Glastonbury Thorn

12 pence - The Glastonbury Thorn
Added by Steve
General Description : The 12p stamp was issued on 2nd December 1986 by the Post Office to help reduce the cost of Christmas postings. A separate FDC was issued. It is the same design as the 13p but with gold lettering.
Face value 12 Pence
Catalog code (Michel) GB 1091I
Catalog code (Scott) GB 1163
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier GB 1247 Stanley Gibbons GB 1342 AFA number GB 1206 Unificato GB 1248
Series Christmas Customs
Stamp colour Multicoloured
Watermark None
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 164.743.600
Issue date 18/11/1986
Designer Lynda Gray
Print technique Photogravure
Printed by Harrison & Sons Ltd
Perforation comb 14¾ x 14
Height 30.00 mm
Width 41.00 mm
Catalog prices Used stamp $0.30   Unused stamp $0.50  

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