31 Pence - Wild Cat

31 Pence - Wild Cat
Added by Steve
Face value 31 Pence
Catalog code (Michel) GB 1070
Catalog code (Scott) GB 1143
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier GB 1224 Stanley Gibbons GB 1322 AFA number GB 1186 Unificato GB 1224
Series Europa Endangered Species
Stamp colour Multicoloured
Watermark None
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 6.384.200
Issue date 20/05/1986
Designer Ken Lilly
Paper type phosphorised paper
Print technique Photogravure
Printed by Harrison & Sons Ltd
Perforation comb 14¼
Height 37.00 mm
Width 35.00 mm
Catalog prices Used stamp $1.00   Unused stamp $1.25  

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Who wants it:
Radu Florin