1st - Mallard and Frog

1st - Mallard and Frog
Added by Steve
Face value 1st
Catalog code (Michel) GB 1315
Catalog code (Scott) GB 1355
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier GB 1521 Stanley Gibbons GB 1541 AFA number GB 1454 Unificato GB 1520
Series Greetings Good Luck
Place in series 6
Stamp colour Multicoloured
Watermark None
Stamp use Booklet stamp
Issue date 05/02/1991
Designer T. Meeuwissen
Paper type 2 phosphor bands
Print technique photogravure
Printed by Harrison & Sons Ltd
Perforation comb 14¾ x 14¼
Height 30.00 mm
Width 41.00 mm
Catalog prices Used stamp $1.00   Unused stamp $1.50