24 Pence - Map of 1816

24 Pence - Map of 1816
Added by Steve
Face value 24 Pence
Catalog code (Michel) GB 1363
Catalog code (Scott) GB 1392
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier GB 1568 Stanley Gibbons GB 1578 AFA number GB 1491 Unificato GB 1568
Series Bicentenary of Ordnance Survey Maps
Place in series 1
Stamp colour Multicoloured
Watermark None
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 28.123.100
Issue date 17/09/1991
Designer Howard Brown
Print technique Offset lithography and Recess
Printed by Harrison & Sons Ltd
Perforation comb 14ΒΌ
Height 37.00 mm
Width 35.00 mm
Catalog prices Used stamp $0.40   Unused stamp $0.90