60 Fillér 1978 - J. Alcock and R. W. Brown

60 Fillér 1978 - J. Alcock and R. W. Brown
Added by Radu Florin
Face value 60 fi - Fillér unguresc
Catalog code (Michel) HU 3276A
Catalog code (Scott) HU C401
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier HU PA415, Stanley Gibbons HU 3178, Numar AFA HU 3185, Unificato HU A458A, Philatelia Hungarica Catalog HU 3257
Series History of Pilots
Place in series 3
Stamp colour Multicolor
Stamp use Airmail stamp
Print run 393.021
Issue date 10/05/1978
Print technique Litografie ofset
Perforation pieptene12
Height 36.00 mm
Width 46.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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