Added by | Iordache Gabriel |
General Description : | Series: Turul and Stephan's Crown; Philatelica Hungarica catalog identifies type I: when the net is intact on the image of stamp. |
Face value | 10 Hungarian fillér |
Catalog code (Michel) | HU 96X |
Catalog code | Stamp Number HU 72; Yvert et Tellier HU 77; Stanley Gibbons HU 104; AFA number HU 77A; Philatelia Hungarica Catalog HU 110I |
Series | Coroana lui Stefan - Ungaria 1908 |
Stamp colour | Black | Carmine rose |
Watermark | St. Stephen's Crown Type 2 [Up] |
Stamp use | Definitive stamp |
Issue date | 01/07/1908 |
Paper type | Stamp |
Print technique | Typography |
Perforation | comb 15 |
Height | 26.00 mm |
Width | 21.00 mm |
Catalog prices | No catalog prices set yet |