40 Filler 1974 - 100 Year of UPU 1874-1974

40 Filler 1974 - 100 Year of UPU 1874-1974
Added by Radu Florin
Face value 40 filler
Catalog code (Michel) HU 2954A
Catalog code (Scott) HU 2282
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier HU 2365; Stanley Gibbons HU 2878; AFA number HU 2879; Unificato HU 2945A; Philatelia Hungarica Catalog HU 2953
Series Upu 1974
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 530.000
Issue date 22/05/1974
Designer Cziglenyi Adam
Print technique Offset lithography
Printed by State Printing Works, Budapest
Perforation comb 12
Height 40.00 mm
Width 60.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who has it for trade:
Iordache Gabriel CRAMIR Ion Postolache