800 Lire - 0,41 Euro 1999 - Council of Europe, 50th Anniv.

800 Lire - 0,41 Euro 1999 - Council of Europe, 50th Anniv. 800 Lire - 0,41 Euro 1999 - Council of Europe, 50th Anniv.
Added by modestcol
Face value 800 Lire (0,41 euro)
Catalog code (Michel) IT 2636
Catalog code (Scott) IT 2295
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier IT 2369; Stanley Gibbons IT 2559; Unificato IT 2451; Sassone IT 2415
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 3.000.000
Issue date 05/05/1999
Designer M.C.Perrini
Print technique photogravure
Printed by I.P.Z.S. - Roma
Perforation comb 14 x 13ΒΌ
Height 30.00 mm
Width 40.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Radu Florin