0.20 Riel Mercedes Benz 1984

0.20 Riel Mercedes Benz 1984
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : In 1886, Carl Benz built a motorized tricycle. His first four-wheeler, the Victoria, was built in 1893. The first production car was the 1894 Benz Velo which participated in the first recorded car race, the Paris-Rouen race. In 1895, Benz built his first truck.
Aware of the promotional potential of racing, both Daimler and Benz entered many of them. However, up until 1908, Daimler had overshadowed Benz in racing endeavors. At the 1908 French Grand Prix, Benz took second and third place behind Lautenschlager driving a Mercedes. From that point on, both Benz and Daimler did well in racing.
In 1924, from sheer economic necessity, Benz and DMG signed an "Agreement of Mutual Interest." Although both companies retained their identities, the agreement was valid until the year 2000. The two companies merged with relative ease on June 28, 1926.
Face value 1,20 Riel
Catalog code (Michel) KH 598
Catalog code (Scott) KH 518
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Issue date 15/09/1984
Print technique Offset lithography
Perforation comb 12¾ x 12½
Height 41.00 mm
Width 51.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Radu Florin