80 Cent 2001 - New Art - J. Thorn Prikker - The Bride

80 Cent 2001 - New Art - J. Thorn Prikker - The Bride
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Johan Thorn Prikker (June 5, 1868, The Hague - March 5, 1932, Cologne) was a Dutch painter and designer in the Art Nouveau style. He was an important figure in religious art, best known for his stained glass windows. His most famous painting is the mystical The Bride (1893), in the Kroller-Muller Museum, Otterlo. A large stained glass window, The Artist as Teacher of Trade and Industry (1911), is in the entrance hall to Hagen Hauptbahnhof.
Face value 80 Cent
Catalog code (Michel) 1892
Stamp colour multicolour
Stamp use Mini-sheet stamp
Issue date 15/05/2001
Designer Erik Hesmerg / Petra Hesmerg / Erik Paul Wong
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet