80 Cent 2001 - New Art - Leo Gestel - Autumn

80 Cent 2001 - New Art - Leo Gestel - Autumn
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Leo Gestel (11 November 1881, Woerden- 26 November 1941, Hilversum) was a Dutch painter. His father Willem Gestel was also an artist. Leo Gestel experimented with cubism, expressionism, futurism and postimpressionism. Along with Piet Mondrian he was among the leading artists of Dutch modernism.
Face value 80 Cent
Catalog code (Michel) 1885
Stamp colour multicolour
Stamp use Mini-sheet stamp
Issue date 15/05/2001
Designer Erik Hesmerg / Petra Hesmerg / Erik Paul Wong
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet