2 x 50 Cents + 2 x 20 Cent + 2 x 70 Cent +2 x 30 Cents - Booklet Summer Stamps 1986 - Balance and Clock

2 x 50 Cents + 2 x 20 Cent + 2 x 70 Cent +2 x 30 Cents - Booklet Summer Stamps 1986 - Balance and Clock 2 x 50 Cents + 2 x 20 Cent + 2 x 70 Cent +2 x 30 Cents - Booklet Summer Stamps 1986 - Balance and Clock
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : The booklet contains 2 x 50 + 20 Cent and 2 x 70 + 30 Cent
Face value 3,40 Gulden
Catalog code NL PB32
Series Antique Measurement Instruments
Stamp use Semi Postal stamp
Print run 1.155.632
Issue date 08/04/1986
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet