20 + 7 Cents 1952 - Boy with Rabbit

20 + 7 Cents 1952 - Boy with Rabbit
Added by Bart Perdieus
Face value 20+7 c - Dutch cent
Catalog code (Michel) NL 605
Catalog code (Scott) NL B247
Catalog code Stanley Gibbons NL 762; AFA number NL 605; NVPH NL 600
Series Timbre pentru copii - Olanda 1952
Place in series 5
Stamp colour Black | Light blue
Stamp use Semi Postal stamp
Print run 746.498
Issue date 17/11/1952
Designer J. Janzen-Dalenoord
Paper type Stamp
Print technique Photogravure
Printed by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen
Perforation comb 12 x 12 1/2
Height 25.00 mm
Width 31.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet