80 Cent 2000 - Sjors & Sjimmie

80 Cent 2000 - Sjors & Sjimmie
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Sjors & Sjimmie (George & Jimmy) is a Dutch adaptation of US-comic Perry Winkle. The difference between the original and the Dutch adaptation is that Sjors (Perry) forms a duo with Africa-born Sjimmie. They're raised by Sally and the Colonel. The Colonel regularly finds himself on the receiving end of their pranks. In return Sjors & Sjimmie are outsmarted by their scheming classmate Dikkie, although they manage to stay the best of friends.
Face value 80 Cent
Catalog code (Michel) 1820
Stamp colour multicolour
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Issue date 23/09/2000
Designer Harald Slaterus
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet