100 Cent 1996 - Voyages of Discovery - Simon de Cordes / Jacob Mahu

100 Cent 1996 - Voyages of Discovery - Simon de Cordes / Jacob Mahu
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Jacob (Jacques) Mahu (died 23 September 1598) was a Dutch Explorer and leader of an expedition of five ships to India.

The first expedition, which was organised by Pieter van der Hagen and Johan van der Veeken, consisted of a fleet of five ships and about 500 men.[1]

The ships with their initial captains were:
The Hoop, captained by Jacques Mahu
The Liefde, captained by Simón de Cordes
The Geloof, captained by Gerrit van Beuningen
The Trouwe, captained by Van Boekhout
The Blijde Boodschap, captained by Sebald de Weert

The expedition left from Rotterdam on 27 June 1598, but suffered from misfortune from the start. Many men died from sickness off the coast of Africa, amongst them Mahu himself. The leadership of the expedition was taken over by Simon de Cordes.
Face value 100 Cent
Catalog code (Michel) 1595
Stamp colour multicolour
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 2.759.775
Issue date 01/10/1996
Designer Walter Nikkels
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet