80 Cent 2001 - Chess - Max Euwe

80 Cent 2001 - Chess - Max Euwe
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Machgielis "Max" Euwe, PhD ( May 20, 1901 – November 26, 1981) was a Dutch chess Grandmaster, mathematician, and author. He was the fifth player to become World Chess Champion (1935–37). Euwe also served as President of FIDE, the World Chess Federation, from 1970 to 1978.
Face value 80 Cent
Catalog code (Michel) 1873
Stamp colour multicolour
Stamp use Mini-sheet stamp
Issue date 03/04/2001
Designer Allard Bovenberg / Rutger Fuchs
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Radu Florin