0.10 Guarani - Portait of Elisabeth de Beauharnais, Nicolas de Largillierre

0.10 Guarani - Portait of Elisabeth de Beauharnais, Nicolas de Largillierre
Added by Iordache Gabriel
General Description : The series is not listed by S.Gibbons until further notice
Portrait of Elisabeth de Beauharnais by Nicolas de Largillierre, Museum of Grenoble.

Paintings 1966
Face value 0.10 Gs - Paraguayan guaraní
Catalog code (Michel) PY 1666
Catalog code Stamp Number PY 1002a; Yvert et Tellier PY 878
Series Tablouri - Paraguay 1966
Place in series 1
Stamp colour Multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Issue date 10/12/1966
Paper type Stamp
Print technique Offset lithography
Printed by De La Rue de Colombia
Perforation comb 14¼ x 13¾
Height 50.00 mm
Width 35.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet