1 Złoty 1944 on 1 Złoty 50 Groszy 1943 (surcharget) - MONTE CASSINO

1 Złoty 1944 on 1 Złoty 50 Groszy 1943 (surcharget) - MONTE CASSINO
Added by Maciej Pasztor
General Description : ORP Orzeł was the lead ship of her class of submarines serving in the Polish Navy during World War II. Her name means "Eagle" in Polish.
Face value 1 Złoty
Catalog code (Michel) 379
Catalog code (Scott) 3K20
Catalog code AFA Pl regering i London 20
Series Various drawings
Place in series 4
Stamp colour copper brown
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 55 000
Designer Grav: Robert George Godbehear
Paper type white or creamy
Print technique Steelengraving
Perforation 12½ x 12¾ harrow
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet