2,50 Złoty 1972 - Heart and Electro-cardiogram (World Health Day)

2,50 Złoty 1972 - Heart and Electro-cardiogram (World Health Day)
Added by Maciej Pasztor
Face value 2,50 Złoty
Catalog code (Michel) 2148
Catalog code (Scott) 1875
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog 2001
Series “Your heart is your health,” World Health month
Stamp colour Blue; red and black
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 3,000,000
Designer Karol Śliwka
Paper type Middel; white; chalky
Print technique Photogravure
Printed by PWPW (Państwowa Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych)
Perforation 11½ x 11¼ (comb)
Height 35.60 mm
Width 26.20 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet