2 Złote 1973 - Bronisław Malinowski, Trobriand Island drummers

2 Złote 1973 -  Bronisław Malinowski, Trobriand Island drummers
Added by Maciej Pasztor
General Description : Bronisław Kasper Malinowski (1884–1942) was a Polish anthropologist, one of the most important 20th-century anthropologists. He has also been referred to as a sociologist and ethnographer.
Face value 2 Złote
Catalog code (Michel) 2285
Catalog code (Scott) 2006
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog 2137
Series Polish Scientists
Place in series 5
Stamp colour Multicolored
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 5,946,010
Designer Tadeusz Michaluk
Paper type Middel; white; chalky
Print technique Rotogravure
Printed by PWPW (Państwowa Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych)
Perforation 10¾ x 11 (comb)
Height 49.00 mm
Width 35.70 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet