2,50 złotego - Stagecoach

2,50 złotego - Stagecoach 2,50 złotego - Stagecoach
Added by Maciej Pasztor
Face value 2,50 złotego
Catalog code (Michel) 1072; scan 2 - Kleinbogen I
Catalog code (Scott) 829 scan 2 - Souvenir sheet of 6 stamps
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog 927 scan 2: 927 A
Series 400 Years of Polish postage
Stamp colour Slate and buff
Watermark WZ 3 (Postal horns right)
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 238,800 sheets = 1,432,800 stamps
Issue date 26/10/1958
Designer Apoloniusz Kędzierski
Paper type White; Middel Smooth colored on one side
Print technique Steel engraving
Printed by PWPW (Państwowa Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych)
Perforation 12½ x 12¾ (harrow)
Height 27.00 mm
Width 47.50 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Adrian Dimitriu