Added by | Maciej Pasztor |
General Description : | Jacek Malczewski (15 July 1854 – 8 October 1929) is one of the most revered painters of Poland, associated with the patriotic Young Poland movement following the century of Partitions. He is regarded as father of Polish Symbolism. |
Face value | 1,50 złotego |
Catalog code (Michel) | 1105 |
Catalog code (Scott) | 853 |
Catalog code | Polish Stamps Catalog 961 |
Series | Polish paintings |
Place in series | 4 |
Stamp colour | Brown |
Watermark | III 2 |
Stamp use | Commemorative stamp |
Print run | 858,000 |
Issue date | 29/06/1959 |
Designer | Jerzy Desselberger Grav: Marian Romuald Polak |
Paper type | White; Thick, Smooth |
Print technique | Steel engraving |
Printed by | PWPW (Państwowa Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych) |
Perforation | 11¾ x 12¼ (comb) |
Height | 36.00 mm |
Width | 28.00 mm |
Catalog prices | No catalog prices set yet |