Smiles of the world 2011

Smiles of the world 2011
Added by Maciej Pasztor
General Description : 1) 1,95 zl - Burmese monk
2) 1,95 zl - Ethiopian girl
3) 2,40 zl - Burmese girl
4) 2,40 zl - Palestinian with donkey
5) 3 zl - Nepalese woman from Kathmandu
6) 3 zl - Peruvian Indian
Material Gold
Face value 2 x 1,95 zl; 2 x 2,40 zl; 2 x 3 zl.
Catalog code (Michel) PL4514-4519 sheet
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog Pl - 4364-4369sh
Print run 300.000 each
Issue date 18/04/2011
Designer Marzanna Dąbrowska
Print technique Offset
Printed by PWPW SA (Polska Wytwórnia Papierow Wartosciowych SA)
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet