50 Groszy 1935 - Cloth Hall, Cracow

50 Groszy 1935 - Cloth Hall, Cracow
Added by Maciej Pasztor
General Description : T: II - like Scott 298 or Pl.St. Cat. 284

The Renaissance Sukiennice (Cloth Hall, Drapers' Hall) in Kraków, Poland, is one of the city's most recognizable icons. It is the central feature of the Main Market Square in the Kraków Old Town (listed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1978). It was once a major centre of international trade.
Material Gold
Face value 50 Groszy
Catalog code (Scott) 301
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog 287 T. I;II
Series Views and Pres. Mościcki
Print run 19,500,000
Issue date 21/08/1935
Designer Ryszard Kleczewski; Grav: Władysław Vacek
Paper type White
Print technique Engraving
Printed by PWPW (Polska Wytwórnia Papierow Wartosciowych)
Perforation 12 3/4 x 12½ Comb T. I (Pl. St. Cat.)
Height 21.30 mm
Width 28.30 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet