2,50 złotego; 2,50 złotego - Copernicus Tower, Frombork.; Agricultural College, Kortów.

2,50 złotego; 2,50 złotego - Copernicus Tower, Frombork.; Agricultural College, Kortów.
Added by Maciej Pasztor
Face value 2,50; 2,50 złotego
Catalog code (Michel) 1323; 1324
Catalog code (Scott) 1005A; 1005B d
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog 1175; 1176
Series Recovered territories Part 3 (Northern Territories)
Place in series 5
Stamp colour Slate blue and grayish
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 929,600
Issue date 21/07/1962
Designer Czesław Kaczmarczyk Grav: Edward Konecki; Jerzy Miller
Paper type White; middel, smooth
Print technique Steel engraving and Photogravure
Printed by PWPW (Państwowa Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych)
Perforation 11 (comb)
Height 38.20 mm
Width 22.20 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet