5 Zloty 1981 - Clematis lanuginosa

5 Zloty 1981 - Clematis lanuginosa
Added by Radu Andron
General Description : Clematis lanuginosa is a flowering vine of the genus Clematis. Like many members of that genus, it is prized by gardeners for its showy flowers.
C. lanuginosa is a twice-bearing clematis that blooms once in spring and again in summer. It is native to China, in the USA it grows best in American Horticultural Society zones 9 to 1, which covers much of the USA. It is best known as a parent species for many of the large-flowered varieties of Clematis. One example of these would be Jackman's Clematis C. jackmanii. The cultivar 'Candida' has 8-inch white blossoms.
Face value 5 Zloty
Catalog code (Scott) 2610
Designer A. Balcerzak
Printed by PWPW
Perforation zimtat
Height 32.00 mm
Width 40.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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