6 Zloty 1984 - Clematis tangutica

6 Zloty 1984 - Clematis tangutica
Added by Radu Andron
General Description : Yellow clematis is a perennial vine of the buttercup family, native to high mountain areas of China and India. It reproduces both by seed and vegetatively from stem pieces. Vines grow rapidly either along the ground or will climb and cover other shrubs/trees, fences and trellises. It is widely available as both an ornamental plant and seed un- der a variety of names – Golden Clematis, Virgins-Bower – from seed; Radar Love, Helios. C. tibetana is a very similar yellow flowered clematis that is also available and hybridizes with C. tangutica.
Face value 6 Zloty
Catalog code (Michel) 2907
Catalog code (Scott) 2611
Series Flowers Local-Clematis
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 11.045.000
Issue date 26/03/1984
Designer A. Balcerzak
Print technique Gravurafoto
Printed by PWPW
Perforation zimtat
Height 32.50 mm
Width 40.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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