2,50 złotego - Benedykt Dybowski

2,50 złotego - Benedykt Dybowski
Added by Maciej Pasztor
General Description : Benedykt Tadeusz Dybowski (12 May 1833 – 31 January 1930) was a Polish naturalist and physician.
He studied at Minsk high school, and later medicine at Tartu (earlier Dorpat) University (Estonia). He later studied in Wroclaw University and went on expeditions to seek and study the oceanic fishes and crustaceans. He became a Professor of Zoology at the Warsaw main school.
Face value 2,50 złotego
Catalog code (Michel) 1013
Catalog code (Scott) 775
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog 869
Series Famous Polish physicians
Place in series 6
Stamp colour Dull violet and lilac rose
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 29,981,000
Issue date 27/04/1957
Designer Jerzy Desselberger; Grav:Stefan Łukaszewski
Paper type White; Thin Smooth
Print technique Steel engraving and typography
Printed by PWPW (Państwowa Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych)
Perforation 11¾ x 11½ (harrow)
Height 31.25 mm
Width 25.50 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet