1,55; 1,95; 2,40; 3 Zlote 2010 - Minerals of Poland

1,55; 1,95; 2,40; 3 Zlote 2010 - Minerals of Poland
Added by Maciej Pasztor
General Description : 4 Stamps.
Material Gold
Face value 1,55; 1,95; 2,40; 3 Zlote
Catalog code (Michel) PL4492-4495
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog Pl-4342-4345
Print run 600,000 each
Issue date 03/09/2010
Designer Anna Niemierko
Print technique Offset
Printed by PWPW SA (Polska Wytwórnia Papierow Wartosciowych SA)
Height 31.25 mm
Width 43.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet
