1,45 2,10 2,40 3 Zloty 2008 - They survived with extermination

1,45 2,10 2,40 3 Zloty 2008 - They survived with extermination
Added by Maciej Pasztor
General Description : Witold Pilecki (1901-1948)
Józef Władysław Wolski (1910-2008)
Bishop Ignacy Ludwik Jeż (1914-2007)
Stanisława Maria Sawicka (1895-1982)
Face value 1,45 & 2,10 & 2,40 & 3,00 Zlotych
Catalog code (Michel) 4408-4411
Catalog code Polish Stamps Catalog Pl-4258-4261
Print run 4258;4260;4261 -550,000; 4259 - 150,000
Designer janusz Wysocki
Paper type Fluorescent
Print technique Offset
Printed by PWPW SA (Polska Wytwórnia Papierow Wartosciowych SA)
Height 39.50 mm
Width 31.25 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet