Added by | Radu Florin |
Face value | 55 Ban românesc |
Catalog code (Michel) | RO 1646 |
Catalog code (Scott) | RO 1159 |
Catalog code | Yvert et Tellier RO 1516, Stanley Gibbons RO 2504 |
Series | 2nd Congress of Engineers and Technicians, Bucharest |
Place in series | 2 |
Stamp colour | Albastru închis |
Watermark | RPR linii infinite [în picioare] |
Stamp use | Commemorative stamp |
Print run | 2.000.000 |
Issue date | 29/05/1957 |
Designer | V. Palade |
Print technique | Fotogravură |
Printed by | Fabrica de Timbre, București |
Perforation | pieptene14 x 14½ |
Height | 42.00 mm |
Width | 26.00 mm |
Catalog prices | No catalog prices set yet |