80 Centimes 1969 - The Lute Player by Gerard Terborch

80 Centimes 1969  - The Lute Player by Gerard Terborch
Added by Iordache Gabriel
General Description : Detail of painting in Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Kassel Germany.
Painting Art and Music
Face value 80 c - Rwanda centime
Catalog code (Michel) RW 320A
Catalog code Stamp Number RW 284; Yvert et Tellier RW 298; Stanley Gibbons RW 291; Belgium RW 298
Series Pictura Arta si Muzica - Rwanda 1969
Place in series 7
Stamp colour Multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 205.000
Issue date 31/03/1969
Paper type Stamp
Print technique Photogravure
Perforation line 13½
Height 48.00 mm
Width 37.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet