50 ptas World Exhibition of New York 1964

50 ptas World Exhibition of New York 1964
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : English language translation of name: State Money and Stamps Factory, Spanish Royal Mint.
Abbreviation known by: FNMT or, since Royal title granted, FNMT-RCM.
First stamp(s) traced by compiler: 1889 for Spain.
Main printing process(es): Litho, gravure, recess, thermography
Basque pelota (pilota or eusko pilota in Basque, pelota vasca in Spanish, is the name for a variety of court sports played with a ball using one's hand, a racket, a wooden bat or a basket, against a wall (frontón in Spanish, pilotaleku or pilota plaza in Basque, frontó in Catalan, fronton in French) or, more traditionally, with two teams face to face separated by a line on the ground or a net. Their roots can be traced to the Greek and other ancient cultures, but in Europe they all derive from tennis
Face value 50 Pesetas
Catalog code (Michel) ES 1475
Catalog code (Scott) ES 1243
Stamp colour black blue / violet blue
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 6000000
Issue date 23/04/1964
Print technique recess
Printed by Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre F.N.M.T.
Perforation comb 13 x 12¾
Height 41.00 mm
Width 26.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet