7 Kroner 1999 - Auguste Beernaert

7 Kroner 1999 - Auguste Beernaert
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Auguste Marie François Beernaert (26 July 1829 – 6 October 1912) was the 14th Prime Minister of Belgium from October 1884 to March 1894.

Born in Ostend, he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1873, and became Minister of Public Works under Jules Malou, greatly improving the rail, canal and road systems. After his tenure as Prime Minister, he represented Belgium at the Hague conventions of 1899 and 1907. He was also co-winner (with Paul d'Estournelles de Constant) of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1909 for his work at the Permanent Court of Arbitration. He died in Lucerne, Switzerland.

Joint issue with Belgium
Face value 7 Kroner
Catalog code (Michel) SE 2141
Catalog code (Scott) SE 2357
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Issue date 30/09/1999
Print technique Offset lithography and Recess
Perforation comb 12¾ x 12½
Height 41.00 mm
Width 30.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Radu Florin