13¢ Early Gramophone 1977

13¢ Early Gramophone 1977
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Centennial of Sound recording.
APPARATUS for the recording and reproduction of sounds has been with us for 100 years. This means that every one of us has grown up to expect music of our own choosing. played by the world's best artists, at the touch of a switch. So much so that it is difficult for us to imagine a world in which recorded sound was only a subject for imaginative fables: like the story of a Chinese prince of ancient times who possessed a box with magical powers. He would whisper messages into this box and send it to distant parts. Like so many technological marvels, sound recording as a practical reality had to await the upsurge of inventive genius in the latter half of the nineteenth century the period which heralded the arrival of the electric light, the telephone, the wireless, the motor car and the aeroplane.
So sound recording was now an accomplished fact: it remained to devise a method of reproducing the original sounds by retracing the recorded waveform.
Face value 13 Cents
Catalog code (Michel) US 1293
Catalog code (Scott) US 1705
Catalog code Stanley Gibbons Catalogue No: 1681
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Issue date 23/03/1977
Designer Walter and Naiad Einsel
Print technique recess
Perforation line 11
Height 24.00 mm
Width 40.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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