17¢ Rachel Carson 1981

17¢ Rachel Carson 1981
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Rachel Carson (1907-1964), was a scientist, ecologist, and writer.
Author of several scientific and popular articles and books concerning the ecology and the environment, Rachel Carson is perhaps best known for her The Sea Around Us, 1951. The book was on the best-seller list for 39 weeks and won the National Book Award. In Silent Spring, she criticized the indiscriminate use of pesticides. The book helped stimulate environmental protection measures throughout the country.
Face value 17 Cents
Catalog code (Michel) US 1489
Series Great Americans Series
Stamp colour green
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Issue date 28/05/1981
Print technique recess
Perforation line 11 x 10½
Height 25.00 mm
Width 22.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet