Age coin - LBT 16+

Age coin - LBT 16+ Age coin - LBT 16+
Added by Curcudel Marius
General Description : Netherland Cigarette Vending Token
Token is used to prevent minors from obtaining tobacco products from vending machines. It gets handed out, for free, to cafe and restaurant customers aged 16+ (identification required in case of doubt) to unlock the vending machine functionality.
Issued by LBT (Landelijke Belangenvereniging van Tabaksdistributeurs) from 2004 in the Netherlands and BTVA (Belux Tobacco Vending Association) from 2006 in Belgium. Produced by the Royal Dutch mint, hence the RDM mintmark and sails privy mark on the obverse (both on Belgian and Dutch tokens).
Material -I do not know-
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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